
PiT Potential Competency List Renewed!
PiT Potential Competency List Renewed!

The PiT Potential Competency List, which includes the competencies at the center of human resources processes, has been expanded in line with the changing needs of the business world.

Value Profile More Valuable Now
Value Profile More Valuable Now

You can see the values honoured by the candidates or your employees as the “Company Norm”, as well as the “General Norm” created by all users.

Training Needs Analysis Report
Training Needs Analysis Report

You can now identify the trainings that your candidates and employees need for their development with the Training Needs Analysis, one of the report types of the Personality Inventory PiT, and support them by guiding.

PiT is Free for Disabled Candidates
PiT is Free for Disabled Candidates

If you fill out your contact form by stating that you are disabled, you can have the chance to take the test free and see your report online.

Important Tips for Managers
Important Tips for Managers

There are tips about how managers can reflect their employees' strengths to work and how they can improve their areas of development points in the Effective Management and Coaching Tips report.
